Thursday, May 1, 2008

Flatulence flying over gas tax vacation schemes

Running on empty, running dry

All three presidential candidates are pumping hot air into the political fray over how to deal with high prices at the pumps.

Hillary Clinton and John McCain have proposed a “holiday” on fuel taxes for the upcoming summer travel season, while big oil enjoys a surreal all expenses paid vacation of its own.

Clinton’s plan is to call for a national moratorium on gasoline taxes (currently at 18.4 cents per gallon). McCain, on the other hand, hasn’t released details of his similar scheme, but both have fueled discontent among oil execs, economists and Clinton’s Dem opponent — Barack Obama.

President Bush said he would consider such a plan, but it’s certain the Texas oilman will only support fellow Republican St. Juan de Arizona’s deal, whatever that might be.

Current expectations are that gassing up the old jalopy will hit $4 per gallon in the next few weeks. Consumers are already fuming over the recent news that large oil companies recorded exorbitant profits during the ongoing fossil fuel crisis.

Obama, calling any moratorium a mere stopgap “gimmick,” said he is against a gas tax holiday, claiming it will only serve to further raise prices in the long run.

Oil companies are sure to drop an “F-bomb” on either Clinton’s or McCain’s strategy.

In the meantime, most of us will probably be pushing our cars down the road — out of cash and out of gas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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